Luther banner - Luther 1521, Dechaneigasse - corner of Andreasstraße. The 13 x 9 meter painting "Luther before the Diet in Worms" by the painter Anton von Werner (1877) can be admired. Worms Cathedral in the background
Luther banner - Luther 1521, Dechaneigasse - corner of Andreasstraße. The 13 x 9 meter painting "Luther before the Diet in Worms" by the painter Anton von Werner (1877) can be admired. Worms Cathedral in the background

LUTHER 1521 in Worms

Martin Luther's refusal to recant

In 1517, the Augustinian monk Dr. Martin Luther (1483 to 1545) put the church's shortcomings up for discussion in his 95 theses. In the following years, he published several writings that were considered heretical. In them, he rejected the doctrines and practices of the church that deviated from the Gospel and called for reform. He was banned from Rome.

Emperor Charles V had Luther summoned to the Diet of Worms in 1521. He was told to recant his writings. He rejected this demand because he could not be refuted from the Bible. The imperial ban subsequently imposed by the emperor proved to be ineffective. Elector Frederick of Saxony, Luther's sovereign, stood in his defense.

Would you like to find out more about Martin Luther?

On the trail of Luther

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