The Schöffer print shop in a woodcut from around 1586
The Schöffer print shop in a woodcut from around 1586

Printed Works by Schöffer

Peter Schöffer the Younger was born in Mainz sometime between 1475 and 1480. His father ran a print shop in the city. He relocated to Worms in 1518 and began to print writings sympathetic to the Reformation cause.

Worms around 1521, Schöffer print shop
Worms around 1521, Schöffer print shop
© Fotograf: 3D-Rendering von FaberCourtial
Meielburg in the Hamman plan of 1630
Meielburg in the Hamman plan of 1630
© Fotograf: Stadtarchiv Worms

The print shop was situated in 'Meilenburg' (Eulenburgstraße 12), which was destroyed during the Thirty Years' War. A care home run by German Red Cross now stands at this address.

While residing in Worms, Schöffer printed works that included the first English-language version of the New Testament by William Tyndale (1526), the Worms translation of The Prophets by the Anabaptists Hans Denck and Ludwig Hätzer (1527), the Schleitheim Confession (1527-29), the Worms Bible (1529) and the second edition of Johann Walter's Choral Hymn Book (1525).

Schöffer moved to Strasbourg in 1529. The Worms City Library holds a facsimile of the Tyndale Bible and a 1770 reprint of The Prophets in the Worms edition.

The Schöffer print shop in a woodcut from around 1586
The Schöffer print shop in a woodcut from around 1586
© Fotograf: Züricher Chronik

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