Dreifaltigkeitskirche Worms, Innenraum
Dreifaltigkeitskirche Worms, Innenraum

Holy Trinity Church

This single-nave Baroque hall church was built with great civic pride between 1709 and 1725. As a church to commemorate the Reformation, it was intended to be a counterpart to the Imperial Cathedral.

Dreifaltigkeitskirche Worms
Dreifaltigkeitskirche Worms

The Holy Trinity Church is the largest Protestant church in Worms. It was built as an expression of gratitude when people returned from exile to their home town of Worms following the destruction in the city during the Palatine War of Succession (the Nine Years’ War). The choice of the site was no accident since when the church was built, this was mistakenly held to be the spot where Luther had been interrogated during the Imperial Diet in 1521. In fact however, the interrogation took place in what was then the bishop’s Palace (Bischofshof), which was on the northern side of the cathedral.

Dreifaltigkeitskirche um 1907
Dreifaltigkeitskirche um 1907

The church was completely destroyed by fire during bombing in 1945. However, thanks to many donations by citizens of Worms, it proved possible to reconstruct the church from 1955 on. Especially noteworthy are the 15colourful stained glass windows depicting biblical scenes together with extracts from the apostolic creed. The mosaic of “Luther before Emperor Charles V” above the organ galley is the work of the Swiss artist Walter Eglin. It is considered to be the largest natural stone mosaic in Germany.



Holy Trinity Church (Dreifaltigkeitskirche)
Marktplatz 12
67547 Worms

Google Maps

opening hours

*Please note the opening hours of the church:
summer: 8 am - 6 pm
winter: 9 am - 5 pm
Access may sometimes be restricted when there are church services or events


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