A huge and heavy boulder lies on the west side of Worms Cathedral. Is this perhaps the stone that was flung over the cathedral to its present position by Siegfried, hero of the Nibelung saga? Or did the stone once have some other function?
The Siegfried Stone lies on the west side of Worms Cathedral, more precisely on “Partnership Square” (Platz der Partnerschaft) and by the passageway to the former cathedral cloisters. According to the legend, Siegfried used a lance to throw this stone over Worms Cathedral. A later source even has the hero fling the stone here from the Rose Garden (Rosengarten) in Worms. Local stories and written records have become intertwined.
The hill on which the cathedral stands is the highest point in Worms. This spot (near water but with no risk of flooding) was predestined for settlement, and there is evidence of this since the Neolithic Age. The Siegfried Stone itself is however probably not a relic of this time. From its present shape, we can be relatively certain that it must be regarded as the huge remains of an old wine press. There is evidence of such wine presses being used in this region.
Schlossgasse / Platz der Partnerschaft
67547 Worms
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Tourist Information
Neumarkt 14
67547 Worms
Phone: +49 (0) 6241 853-7306