Stadtmauer am Torturmplatz (Foto: Stefan Blume)
Stadtmauer am Torturmplatz (Foto: Stefan Blume)

Culture in Worms

Worms, one of the oldest cities in Germany and once centre of the medieval world and Jewish learning, looks back on a rich cultural heritage. Discover important testimonies to Jewish life – since July 2021 part of the UNESCO World Heritage of the ShUM Sites in Speyer, Worms and Mainz. Or the settings of events in the ancient Nibelung saga and the Reformation. The Theatre, Cultural and Conference Centre (DAS WORMSER) and many other cultural locations and events, for example the Nibelung Festival, music festivals, and the Backfischfest, which is the biggest wine festival and funfair on the Rhine – all this makes Worms well worth visiting at any time of the year.

  • Culture Profiles

    Culture Profiles

    The “City of Religions”, with aspects such as Jewish history, the Reformation and the Cathedral, ...

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