Das WOMSER Theater
Das WOMSER Theater

Theatre in Worms

Our two theatres right in the city centre offer cabaret, variety shows and comedy, theatre for children and families, concerts from rock music to classical music, opulent opera productions, musicals, plays and many other events. The Nibelung Festival in front of the cathedral and with what is “probably the most attractive theatre foyer in Germany” in the adjoining Heylshof Gardens is a special event that you can experience in the summer. An enjoyable evening is guaranteed!

COVID-19 information

Events can be postponed or cancelled. If they take place, COVID-19 restrictions apply. Please note the information given by the organizer. Postponements and cancellations of events in the theatre (WORMSER Theater, Kultur- und Tagungszentrum) can be found here, and of events in the LincolnTheatre here.

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