
City&Quest Worms

Seeking out animals on the façades of historic buildings, finding out the secrets behind fountains or sizing up city walls: “CITY! GAME! FUN!” is the motto of the new group experience that you can book in Worms.

city&quest probelauf
city&quest probelauf

City quiz “City&Quest”

If you enjoy solving riddles and like finding out about places as a member of a team, then “City&Quest” is an exciting and creative way to discover the Nibelung city. Visitors can choose between a German-language and an English-language version of the game.

Playful – creative – innovative

You start at the cathedral. From there, the route of about three kilometres leads you to riddles at 11 further locations – most of them in the city centre but a few slightly outside. The trail takes about two and a half hours on foot. The GPS function of a mobile telephone and an app that is free of charge help you to find your way. “City&Quest” can be played by a team of up to ten people or by more than one team, with the teams competing against each other.

The aim is to find all the locations and solve the riddles connected with them. One welcome side effect is that at the same time you learn about the sights and special features of the Nibelung city.

Searching for facts is of interest not only for tourists: the city quiz can also lead residents of Worms to hidden locations and places that not many people know about.
“City&Quest” is an experience for the whole family and especially suitable as an activity for a company outing or the next visit by friends and relatives.

Book online and get started

The equipment you need to play “City&Quest” can be picked up in the Tourist Information Tourist Information during opening hours or at the youth hostel Rheinhessen-Jugendherberge 

You must pre-book online and pay the fee, and then pay a deposit when you collect the equipment on the day you have chosen in your booking.


DThe fee for one bag of equipment per team is EUR 40. You must also pay a deposit, which will be given back to you when you return the equipment. Important: please return the bag to the place where you picked it up and with all its contents.

Do you have any questions?

The team at the Tourist Information will be pleased to help:

Tourist Information
Neumarkt 14
67547 Worms

Phone: +49 (0) 6241 853-7306

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