Kostümführung vor dem Kaiserdom (Foto: Bernward Bertram)
Kostümführung vor dem Kaiserdom (Foto: Bernward Bertram)

Inspirations for your visit

Are you planning a cultural and city trip in Rhineland-Palatinate and want to indulge in culinary delights? Are you still looking for the right destination for your next company outing or club trip?
Then we are the right partner for you, we plan your stay in Worms!

Please note:

Unfortunately, we are not able to offer you any tour operator services at the moment. We would be happy to advise you on your stay in Worms and help you organise your trip.

  Corona information

Because of the current situation, we are not yet able to offer you the complete packages with all our services. If you are interested in one of our deals or arrangements, contact us direct. We will be pleased to give you advice about your stay in Worms!

Do you have any questions?

The Tourist Information team will be happy to help you:

Tourist Information
Neumarkt 14
67547 Worms

Phone: + 49 (0) 6241 853-7306

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