Langzeitparkplatz für Reisebusse am Festplatz (Foto: Bernward Bertram)
Langzeitparkplatz für Reisebusse am Festplatz (Foto: Bernward Bertram)

Arrival & Parking

Many roads lead to Worms

The Nibelungenstadt Worms is conveniently located in the northern part of the Upper Rhine Graben - about 25 km north of Mannheim and 60 km south of the state capital Mainz. Whether by bike, boat, bus and train, car or plane - there are many ways to get there. See for yourself.

We wish you a pleasant journey and a nice stay in Worms!

Brückenturm der Wormser Nibelungenbrücke
Brückenturm der Wormser Nibelungenbrücke

By car (parking facilities in Worms)

  • via the A 61 Koblenz-Speyer to the Worms exit (No. 58), then via the B 47 in the direction of Worms-Zentrum (centre)
  • via the A 67 Frankfurt-Mannheim to the Lorsch exit (No. 9), then via the B 47 in the direction of Worms

Overview of the parking facilities

This interactive map provides an overview of the car parks (incl. disabled parking spaces / e-bike charging stations / car charging stations) in Worms. Click on the individual parking spaces / car parks for more information. It is constantly updated.

By bike

By train

Worms main station is located on the Mainz-Mannheim railway line in the middle of the city centre.

You can obtain timetable information and tickets at:

Deutsche Bahn

by bus

Bus services in Worms and the region (Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Neckar / Rhine-Neckar Transport Network)

Bus services in, around and to Worms

by plain

via the airports

  • Frankfurt/Main (approx. 70 km)
  • Frankfurt/Hahn (approx. 110 km)
  • Mannheim (approx. 18 km)

by coach

Buskurzzeitparkplatz in der Hagenstraße / Ecke Neumarkt (Foto: Bernward Bertram)
Buskurzzeitparkplatz in der Hagenstraße / Ecke Neumarkt (Foto: Bernward Bertram)

It couldn't be more central: 

Short-term parking for buses
There are five parking slots in Hagenstraße. Parking is limited to 30 minutes to allow passengers to get on and off.

This short-term parking area is very near the Imperial Cathedral of Worms and the Tourist Information. There are public toilets directly opposite in the City Hall (through the arch and then to the right).

Long-term parking for buses
Long-term parking is available on Barbarossaplatz, near the funfair site. From here, a 20-minute walk takes you to the cathedral.

Parking for tourist busses

Do you have any questions?

The Tourist Information team will be happy to help you:

Tourist Information
Neumarkt 14
67547 Worms

Phone: +49 (0) 6241 853-7306

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