Wunderschöner Ausblick vom Skulpturenweg in Abenheim (Foto: Bernward Bertram)
Wunderschöner Ausblick vom Skulpturenweg in Abenheim (Foto: Bernward Bertram)

Be active and enjoy!

Discover the variety that the Nibelung city offers under this heading. The restaurateurs and vintners of Worms will give you a friendly welcome and treat you to culinary delights and fine wines. This together with a good long stroll through the city makes for an ideal combination.
Hiking & cycling through the extensive and colourful vineyards that surround the city is an excellent way to actively relax. Or simply enjoy a restful time in the nearby recreation area “Bürgerweide” or in the city park that the people of Worms affectionately call “Wäldchen” (little forest). This is where you will also find the zoo with more than 500 animals and 80 different species that look forward to your visit.

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