Frau schenkt einem Besucher der Wormser Weinmesse ein Glas Rotwein ein
Frau schenkt einem Besucher der Wormser Weinmesse ein Glas Rotwein ein

Worms Wine Fair

Worms has a secret!
Did you know that Worms is the third largest wine-producing community in Germany?

Every year, at a wine fair during a weekend in November, you can get to know the local wineries, the families behind them – and of course their fine wines. On two days, wine lovers can come to the Mozartsaal and the upper foyer of the theatre (WORMSER Theater, Kultur- und Tagungszentrum) and sample the wines – everything from the classic Riesling wines to unusual new creations.

Personal contact as the key element of the event

The special feature of this event: in a stylish ambience, the vintners present themselves and their wines, and they are happy to discuss classic wines and the latest trends with customers interested in wine. The fair is thus a platform for the accumulated expertise of vintners in Worms. The experienced “old hands” are there as well as the up-and-coming generation of young vintners.

Buying wine and other products directly from the vintners is, of course, possible and welcome. Those visiting the fair who do not buy directly – perhaps because they have come by public transport (a ticket is included in the admission charge ...more) – can simply arrange for a delivery while they are at the fair.

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