Hagendenkmal, Foto: R. Uhrig
Hagendenkmal, Foto: R. Uhrig

On the Nibelung Trail 

for groups

The Song of the Nibelungs, the heroic epic written down by an unknown poet, centres mainly around Siegfried the dragon slayer, Hagen, and the beautiful Kriemhild. In this tour, your will hear about love, betrayal, murder and the medieval world that is the setting for the Song of the Nibelungs.

Guided tour from St. Peter's Cathedral along the Nibelungen Trail

  • Duration: 1,5 hour
  • Cost per groups (max. 25 people): € 140.00
  • Day & time: no restrictions*
  • Meeting point: south entrance to the cathedral (a change is possible)

Do you have any questions?

The Tourist Information team will be happy to help you:

Tourist Information
Neumarkt 14
67547 Worms

Phone: + 49 (0) 6241 853-7306

further information


parking for buses 

  • Short-term parking for buses

There are five parking slots in Hagenstraße. Parking is limited to 30 minutes to allow passengers to get on and off.
This short-term parking area is very near the Imperial Cathedral of Worms and the Tourist
Information. There are public toilets directly opposite in the City Hall (through the arch and then to the right).

  • Long-term parking for buses

Long-term parking is available on Barbarossaplatz  , near the funfair site. From here, a 20-minute walk
takes you to the cathedral.

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