Hagendenkmal an der Rheinpromenade (Foto: B. Bertram)
Hagendenkmal an der Rheinpromenade (Foto: B. Bertram)

Nibelung treasures

Worms is the city of the Nibelungs. Love, hatred and murder – the saga of the rise and fall of the Nibelungs has fascinated millions of people for centuries. The Song of the Nibelungs is one of the best known German narratives and is a UNESCO Memory of the World document. Kriemhild and Brünhild are said to have quarrelled on the steps leading into the cathedral. Worms is where Hagen is said to have planned the murder of Siegfried the dragon slayer.
Follow the exciting journey of the Nibelungs and discover the many places and sights in Worms that feature in the Song of the Nibelungs.

Did you know that?

The monumental wall tapestry (6 metres by 15 metres) with scenes from the Nibelung saga has been in the theatre in Worms since the 1960s. The theatre is now the Culture and Conference Centre and is called “Das Wormser”.

Nibelungen Wandteppich im Wormser Theater
Nibelungen Wandteppich im Wormser Theater

Do you have any questions?

The Tourist Information team will be happy to help you:

Tourist Information
Neumarkt 14
67547 Worms

Phone: +49 (0) 6241 853-7306

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